
All doctors in training are allocated an Educational Supervisor who offers educational supervision, undertakes appraisal and provides regular, ongoing feedback.
For a specific training placement, the trainee’s progress may be monitored by a Named Clinical Supervisor. Educational Supervisors and Named Clinical Supervisors should have appropriate training and are required to submit appropriate evidence of their training and educational activities at appraisal (SOAR Form 7). They should fulfil the necessary requirements to be a recognised trainer.
Further assistance is available online from:
Supervision in the Workplace
All consultants in anaesthesia act as Supervising Clinicians, as they contribute on a regular basis to teaching, training and supervision of trainees. Unless they also have a role as Educational Supervisor or Named Clinical Supervisor, they will not need to be formally recognised as trainers. They should, however, have training in the use and completion of appropriate workplace assessments used in their daily practice.
2010 Curriculum
Named Clinical Supervisor
A Named Clinical Supervisor is responsible for overseeing a trainee’s clinical work and providing constructive feedback during a specific training placement. Following completion of a unit of training, trainees are required to obtain CUT Forms for all units of training. These forms should be signed off by a designated Supervising Clinician for that unit (the College Tutor will be able to tell you who they are), who take into account the following:
- Demonstration of all the CCLOs identified for that unit
- Logbook
- Satisfactory number of successful WPBAs
- Consultant Feedback: the information for this will be gathered from the West of Scotland Consultant Assessment (‘tick-box’) sheets
Named Educational Supervisors (ES)
Every trainee will have a nominated Named Educational Supervisor to oversee their individual learning. Educational Supervisors are responsible for overseeing training to ensure that trainees are making the necessary clinical and educational progress.
- ES should meet with their trainees as soon as is feasible when they are appointed. A learning agreement should be prepared detailing the educational objectives for the year, including proposals for taking exams, undertaking audits, teaching etc. The College Tutor may also have issued the trainee with some objectives e.g. the number of DOPS, CBD, mini-CEX they will be expected to do. Your trainee should keep you informed about that, and that should be included in the learning agreement. The learning agreement should be the point of reference for future appraisal.
- You should meet with the trainee regularly (rotations will make this difficult, but ongoing contact is required) and check on progress. You should check that the trainee is maintaining their learning portfolio and completing an appropriate number of workplace assessments. Liaison with College Tutor will be required if progress is not satisfactory. Contact should be made every 3-4 months, and feedback given on progress.
- Appraisal – this should be undertaken regularly when meeting with your trainees.
- ARCP –Although it is the trainee's responsibility to prepare their paperwork they may need some assistance with this. You must complete an Educational Supervisor report (ESSR), which the trainee generates on LLP with the appropriate documents attached. These documents and curriculum progress must be reviewed and commented on by you as part of the ESSR and ultimately the ARCP process.
- ARCP - As an ES it is also your role to confirm that the trainee has completed a SOAR declaration prior to their ARCP. This requires you to log on to the SOAR website and review the health and probity declarations made by the trainee. If any issues are highlighted by the trainee, or if you are aware of any issues not highlighted, these must be included in the commentary boxes. Any further action on declared issues is the responsibility of the Deanery and not the ES. If the trainee fails to make a SOAR declaration or if an ES fails to confirm the declaration on line then an outcome 5 will be automatically awarded for the relevant ARCP.
- The ARCP is a paper exercise, and the Gold Guide stipulates that there is not a face to face meeting, it is thought that most trainees will benefit from a face to face meeting at the very least with their College Tutor and it would be anticipated that the ES would attend this too.
- Members of the ARCP panel will hold a face to face meeting with all trainees who receive an ARCP outcome other than Outcome 1 (satisfactory progress) and will normally meet with all trainees undergoing ARCP at the end of ST4 or above to plan the higher stages of training. The College Tutor usually attends with their respective trainees but, if the Tutor is unavailable or if preferred, the appropriate ES may attend instead.
- LLP Educational Supervisors Structured Report (ESSR)
- Annual and Cumulative logbook summary
- CV
- Consultant feedback
- Trainee evaluation of posts
- SOAR Declaration and Questback
- Educational supervisor report We will be using the ESSR which is created in LLP as the basis for the ARCP. You should try to give us as much information and commentary as you can in the free text boxes. Lifelong Learning also requires the College Tutor to sign off the ESSR. Once you have completed it, it will then be sent to the appropriate CT. Please make sure sufficient time is allowed for this before the ARCP submission date.
- Logbook We will ask for annual and cumulative logbook summaries to be uploaded. These can either be PDFs generated from the logbook embedded in LLP or the WOSSA simplified logbook summary can be used if the trainee is using an alternative logbook. The WOSSA WPBA and CUT form grid has been removed from the document as this information is now available in an easy to view layout in the ESSR.
- WOSSA structured CV This document contains the information required to assess progress with the competencies in annexe G of the curriculum. It also contains a list of trainee placements. Your trainee should have uploaded this to the appropriate section of Lifelong Learning and it should be available from the CV link on the ESSR
- MSF and Consultant feedback Any Lifelong Learning generated MSF once complete and signed off by ES should be available directly from the ESSR. MSF generated by another means, for instance FICM ICM MSF should have been uploaded and linked to the appropriate section of the ESSR. WOSSA consultant feedback forms are still required and these should have been linked to the relevant section of the ESSR
- SOAR and absence declarations (Questback) You will still have to verify your trainees SOAR declaration via the SOAR website. The trainees will still have to complete Questback entry of their absence declaration.
WOSSA GUIDE for ARCP using Lifelong Learning Platform
Guide for Educational Supervisors
Trainees will be required to submit the following documents:
Trainees have been given specific guidance on how these documents should be linked to the new ESSR. ARCP
2021 Curriculum
Designated Trainers
Designated Trainers are defined by the RCoA as being responsible for the assessment of one or more Key Capabilities (KC) within a domain of training. Have knowledge of the requirements for the KC for a respective year of training and be able to highlight learning opportunities to evidence the KC. They should have existing clinical commitments relevant to the KC they are assessing. This is seen as an evolution of the Unit of Training supervisor role. Together with Named Clinical Supervisors and Named Educational Supervisors they will make up the Assessment Faculty for a given department. A Named Clinical Supervisor is a Deanery role and is responsible for overseeing a trainee’s clinical work and providing constructive feedback during a specific training placement.
Trainees are required to obtain HALOs for all Domains of training. These forms should be signed off by a designated Supervising Clinician for that unit (the College Tutor will be able to tell you who they are), who take into account the following:
- Demonstration of all the HLOs/Key Capabilities identified for that Domain
- Satisfactory Logbook number of cases
- Satisfactory number of successful SLEs
- Satisfactory Multiple Trainer Reports (MTRs)
Named Educational Supervisors (ES)
Every trainee will have a nominated Named Educational Supervisor to oversee their individual learning. Educational Supervisors are responsible for overseeing training to ensure that trainees are making the necessary clinical and educational progress.
- ES should meet with their trainees as soon as is feasible when they are appointed. A learning agreement should be prepared detailing the educational objectives for the year, including proposals for taking exams, undertaking audits, teaching and appropriate use of EDT. Your trainee should keep you informed about progress, and the expected timeline should be included in the learning agreement. The learning agreement should be the point of reference for future appraisal.
- You should meet with the trainee regularly (rotations will make this difficult, but ongoing contact is required) and check on progress. You should check that the trainee is maintaining their learning portfolio, making appropriate use of EDT and completing an appropriate number of SLEs to evidence curriculum capabilities towards completion of HALO forms. Liaison with College Tutor will be required if progress is not satisfactory. Contact should be made every 3-4 months, and feedback given on progress.
- Appraisal – this should be undertaken regularly when meeting with your trainees.
- ARCP –Although it is the trainee's responsibility to prepare their paperwork they may need some assistance with this. You must complete an Educational Supervisor report (ESSR), which the trainee generates on LLP with the appropriate documents attached. These documents and curriculum progress must be reviewed and commented on by you as part of the ESSR and ultimately the ARCP process.
- ARCP - As an ES it is also your role to confirm that the trainee has completed a SOAR declaration prior to their ARCP. This requires you to log on to the SOAR website and review the health and probity declarations made by the trainee. If any issues are highlighted by the trainee, or if you are aware of any issues not highlighted, these must be included in the commentary boxes. Any further action on declared issues is the responsibility of the Deanery and not the ES. If the trainee fails to make a SOAR declaration or if an ES fails to confirm the declaration on line then an outcome 5 will be automatically awarded for the relevant ARCP.
- The ARCP is a paper exercise, and the Gold Guide stipulates that there is not a face to face meeting, it is thought that most trainees will benefit from a face to face meeting at the very least with their College Tutor and it would be anticipated that the ES would attend this too.
- Members of the ARCP panel will hold a face to face meeting with all trainees who receive an ARCP outcome other than Outcome 1 (satisfactory progress) to explain the reasons for the outcome and discuss any targeted training required. We will normally meet with all trainees undergoing ARCP at the end of ST4 or above to plan the higher stages of training. The College Tutor usually attends with their respective trainees but, if the Tutor is unavailable or if preferred, the appropriate ES may attend instead.
- LLP Educational Supervisors Structured Report (ESSR)
- Annual and Cumulative logbook summary
- CV
- MTRs
- Trainee evaluation of posts
- SOAR Declaration and Questback
- EDT Log
- Educational supervisor report We will be using the ESSR which is created in LLP as the basis for the ARCP. You should try to give us as much information and commentary as you can in the free text boxes. Lifelong Learning also requires the College Tutor to sign off the ESSR. Once you have completed it, it will then be sent to the appropriate CT. Please make sure sufficient time is allowed for this before the ARCP submission date.
- Logbook We will ask for annual and cumulative logbook summaries to be uploaded. These can either be PDFs generated from the logbook embedded in LLP or the WOSSA simplified logbook summary can be used if the trainee is using an alternative logbook. The WOSSA WPBA and CUT form grid has been removed from the document as this information is now available in an easy to view layout in the ESSR.
- WOSSA structured CV This document replaces the portfolio document. It contains the information required to assess progress with audit/QI and teaching. It also contains a list of trainee placements. Your trainee should have uploaded this to the appropriate section of Lifelong Learning and it should be available from the CV link on the ESSR.
- MSF and Consultant feedback Any Lifelong Learning generated MSF once complete and signed off by ES should be available directly from the ESSR. MSF generated by another means, for instance FICM ICM MSF should have been uploaded and linked to the appropriate section of the ESSR. Consultant Feedback is still required and this should be collated using MTRs and linked to the relevant section of the ESSR.
- SOAR and absence declarations (Questback) You will still have to verify your trainees SOAR declaration via the SOAR website. The trainees will still have to complete Questback entry of their absence declaration.
- EDT Log
The trainee should upload this to the Form R (Section 14) of the ESSR. The Educational Supervisor must provide responses to the following questions in the Supervisor’s Comments Section 16 of the ESSR:
- Was sufficient time made available by the department(s) across the year?
- Were sufficient activities undertaken by the trainee across the year to meet the requirements of the current stage of the curriculum?
WOSSA GUIDE for ARCP using Lifelong Learning Platform
Guide for Educational Supervisors
Trainees will be required to submit the following documents:
Trainees have been given specific guidance on how these documents should be linked to the new ESSR. ARCP