Certificate of Completion of Training
Towards the end of the CCT training programme trainees will undergo a final summative assessment and, if a trainee has satisfactorily completed all essential units of training and a sufficient number of WPBAs, will be issued with an ARCP Recommendation for completion of training (Outcome 6) by the Postgraduate Dean.
A Notification of Completion of Training form should then be provided to the trainee via their Programme Director.
The Trainee
- Completes the Notification of Completion of Training form and gets it signed by the Programme Director or Regional Adviser.
- Returns the Notification of Completion of Training form to the RCoA Training Department.
- Completes the GMC certification process (see below)
The RCoA Training Department
- Receives the ARCP Recommendation for completion of training (Outcome 6) and checks the Notification of Completion of Training form against the training programme.
- Recommends the trainee to the GMC for the award of a CCT.
- The same day as the recommendation is sent to GMC, sends the trainee a letter confirming that a recommendation to the GMC has been made for the award of a CCT.
- Formally advises confirmation to the Training Committee and informs Council of the RCoA of the recommendation.
- Awards the CCT on receipt of the College recommendation, the trainee application and the fee.
- GMC add the trainee’s name on to the Specialist Register; the trainee must have indicated this on their certification application. Failure to do this by the trainee will delay specialist registration and being able to take up a consultant post.