

Certificate of Completion of Training

Towards the end of the CCT training programme trainees will undergo a final summative assessment and, if a trainee has satisfactorily completed all essential units of training and a sufficient number of WPBAs, will be issued with an ARCP Recommendation for completion of training (Outcome 6) by the Postgraduate Dean.

A Notification of Completion of Training form should then be provided to the trainee via their Programme Director.

The Trainee
  1. Completes the Notification of Completion of Training form and gets it signed by the Programme Director or Regional Adviser.
  2. Returns the Notification of Completion of Training form to the RCoA Training Department.
  3. Completes the GMC certification process (see below)
The RCoA Training Department
  1. Receives the ARCP Recommendation for completion of training (Outcome 6) and checks the Notification of Completion of Training form against the training programme.
  2. Recommends the trainee to the GMC for the award of a CCT.
  3. The same day as the recommendation is sent to GMC, sends the trainee a letter confirming that a recommendation to the GMC has been made for the award of a CCT.
  4. Formally advises confirmation to the Training Committee and informs Council of the RCoA of the recommendation.
  1. Awards the CCT on receipt of the College recommendation, the trainee application and the fee.
  2. GMC add the trainee’s name on to the Specialist Register; the trainee must have indicated this on their certification application. Failure to do this by the trainee will delay specialist registration and being able to take up a consultant post.