
The West of Scotland School of Anaesthesia is one of the largest in the UK and provides excellent training in two city hospitals, several district general hospitals and three specialist hospitals.
Subspecialty training takes place in the three specialty hospitals; Institute of Neurosciences, Golden Jubilee National Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Children. The region has tertiary referral centres in most subspecialties and in addition to intensive care medicine and pain management, offers advanced training in cardiothoracic, neurosurgical, paediatric, maxillofacial, obstetric anaesthesia and pre-hospital and retrieval medicine.
City Hospitals
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
Address: 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow, G51 4TFWebsite
Tel No: 0141 452 3430
Training: General anaesthesia: All levels ICM: All levels Obstetric anaesthesia: All levels
Chronic Pain: All levels
Size: 1109 beds
The QEUH is the largest acute hospital in the UK and the anaesthetic department provides services to 24 theatres, 2 interventional radiology suites, the Critical Care Unit, Chronic Pain service and the maternity unit. Services are also provided at the Victoria Ambulatory Care and Diagnostic Facility and short stay surgery at Gartnavel General Hospital. Surgical specialties include general, urology, ENT, orthopaedic, day surgery, vascular, interventional radiology, gynaecology, renal, ophthalmology, dental and trauma. The critical care unit has 20 ITU and 39 HDU beds and the maternity unit has around 6,000 deliveries each year. Chronic Pain services are based at the Victoria Hospital and include outpatient clinics and theatre sessions.
Gartnavel General Hospital
Address: 1053 Great Western Road, G12 0YNWebsite
New Victoria Hospital
Address: Grange Road, Glasgow, G42 9LFWebsite
Institute of Neurosciences
Address: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow, G51 4TFTel. No: 0141 201 1100
Training: Neuroanaesthesia: All levels
The Institute of Neurosciences provides Neurosurgical, Neurological, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuroradiology and Neuropathology facilities for the West of Scotland. It serves a population of 2.7million. There are three dedicated neurosurgical theatres and the critical care unit has 12 ITU/HDU beds.
Royal Hospital for Children
Address: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow, G51 4TFWebsite
Tel. No: 0141 201 0000
Training: Paediatric anaesthesia: All levels
Size: 244 paediatric beds
The Royal hospital for Children provides a large number of specialist services to the West of Scotland and the wider population of Scotland in addition to the full range of secondary care services to people of Greater Glasgow and Clyde. The anaesthetic department provides services to all the main paediatric surgical specialties including cardiac surgery, renal and bone marrow transplantation. The critical care unit has X ITU and YHDU beds. There are 12 neonatal beds in the maternity unit at QEUH.
City Hospitals
Glasgow Royal Infirmary

Address: Castle Street, Glasgow, G4 0SF
Tel n: 0141 211 4620
Training: General anaesthesia: basic/intermediate/Higher levels ICM: All levels Obstetric anaesthesia: All levels Chronic Pain: All levels
Size: 1000 est
Glasgow Royal Infirmary is situated in the East of the City. The anaesthetic department provides services to 22 theatres, Assisted Conception Service, interventional radiology, the Critical Care unit, Chronic Pain services and the Maternity Unit. Services are also provided for 6 day surgery theatres at the Stobhill Hospital Ambulatory Care and Diagnostic Facility. Surgical specialities include upper-GI (pancreatic, oesophagogastric), colorectal, orthopaedics and trauma, plastic surgery (reconstructive and burns) and gynaecology. The Critical care Unit has 20 ICU/HDU beds and an additional 8 surgical HDU beds. The Princess Royal Maternity has over 6500 deliveries each year. Chronic pain services include outpatient clinics and theatre sessions. The Glasgow University Department of Anaesthesia is located on this site.
Stobhill Hospital
Address: 133 Balornock Road, Glasgow, G21 3UWWebsite
District General Hospitals
Royal Alexandra Hospital

Address: Corsebar Road, Paisley, PA2 9PN
Tel n: 01418879111
Training: General anaesthesia: Basic/Intermediate/Higher levels ICM: All levels Obstetric anaesthesia: All levels
Size: 760 beds
Vale of Leven District General Hospital
Address: Main Street, Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire, G83 0UAWebsite
Tel n: 01389 754121
RAH is a large district general hospital in the West of Scotland. The anaesthetic department provides services to 9 theatres, the Critical Care Unit and the maternity unit. Services are also provided to the 5 day surgery theatres on the Vale of Leven site. Surgical specialties include General Surgery, ENT, Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Trauma, Ophthalmology, Urology and Dental, including some Paediatrics. The Critical Care Unit has 7 ITU and 12 HDU beds and the maternity unit has 3 500 deliveries each year.
Inverclyde Royal Hospital

Address: Larkfield Road, Greenock, PA16 0XN
Tel n: 01475 504525
Training: General anaesthesia: Basic level
Size: 353 beds
IRH is a district general hospital in the West of Scotland. The anaesthetic department provides services to in-patient theatres, the Critical Care Unit and Chronic Pain services. Surgical specialties include General Surgery, Colorectal surgery, Gynaecology, Day surgery ENT, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics and trauma, Urology, Dental Surgery (special needs and paediatric), Vascular and ECT. The Critical Care Unit has 3 ITU beds and a small HDU. Chronic pain services include several outpatient clinic sessions.
District General Hospitals
Forth Valley Royal Hospital

Address: Stirling Road, Larbert, FK5 4WR
Tel n: 01324 567349
Training: General anaesthesia: Basic/Intermediate/Higher levels ICM: All levels Obstetric anaesthesia: All levels Chronic pain: All levels
Size: 860 beds
FVRH is a large district general hospital located between Glasgow and Edinburgh and also takes trainees from the South East of Scotland School of Anaesthesia. The anaesthetic department provides services to 14 theatres, the Critical Care Unit, Chronic Pain services and the maternity unit. Surgical specialties include General Surgery, ENT, Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Trauma, Ophthalmology, Urology and Dental, including some Paediatrics. The Critical Care Unit has a mixed ITU/HDU with 19 beds and the maternity unit has 3 500 deliveries each year. Chronic pain services include outpatient clinics and theatre sessions.
District General Hospitals
University Hospital Crosshouse

Address: Kilmarnock, KA2 0BE
Tel n: 01563 827172
Training: General anaesthesia: basic/intermediate/Higher levels ICM: All levels Obstetric anaesthesia: All levels
Size: 550
University Hospital Crosshouse is a large district general hospital approximately 20 miles south west of Glasgow. The anaesthetic department provides services to 12 theatres, the Critical Care Unit, Chronic Pain Services and the maternity Unit. Surgical specialties including trauma and orthopaedics, major GI surgery, paediatrics, dental and maxillofacial surgery, and is the national centre for Cochlear implantation surgery. The Critical Care Unit has 5 ITU and 11 surgical HDU beds and the maternity unit has 4 000 deliveries per annum. Chronic pain services include outpatient clinics and theatre sessions.
University Hospital Ayr

Address: Dalmellington Road, Ayr, KA6 6DX
Tel n: 01292 610555 ext. 14263
Training: General anaesthesia: basic/intermediate/Higher levels ICM: All levels Obstetric anaesthesia: All levels at University Hospital Crosshouse
Size: 333 beds
University Hospital Ayr is a district general hospital approximately 30 miles south west of Glasgow. The anaesthetic department provides services to 9 theatres and the Critical Care Unit. Surgical specialities include general, orthopaedics and trauma, bariatrics, urology, vascular and ophthalmology. The critical care unit has 4 ICU and 4 HDU beds. Chronic pain services include outpatient clinics and theatre sessions.
District General Hospitals
Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary

Address: Cargenbridge, Dumfries, DG2 8RX
Tel no: 01387246246
Training: General anaesthesia: Basic/intermediate levels ICM: Basic/intermediate Level Obstetric anaesthesia: Royal Infirmary/Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
Size: 344 beds
D&GRI (opened Dec 2017) is a district general hospital approximately 60 miles south east of Glasgow. The anaesthetic department provides services to 8 theatres, the 16 bedded Critical Care Unit, Chronic Pain Services and the Maternity Unit. Surgical specialties include general surgery (Breast, Upper and Lower GI, Vascular), Gynaecology, ENT, Maxillo Facial, Urology, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics and Community Dental. The maternity unit has 1300 deliveries per annum and chronic pain services include outpatient clinics and theatre sessions.
District General Hospitals
Wishaw Hospital
Address: 50 Netherton Street, Wishaw, ML2 0DPWebsite
Tel no: 01698 366746
Training: General anaesthesia: basic/intermediate/Higher levels ICM: All levels Obstetric anaesthesia: All levels
Size: 626 beds
Wishaw General Hospital is a District General Hospital situated around 11 miles south east of Glasgow and 33 miles from Edinburgh. The Anaesthetic Department provides services to 11 theatres, the Critical Care Unit and Lanarkshire’s Maternity Unit. Surgical in patient specialties include Upper GI (Oesophagogastric, Bariatric), Colorectal, Gynaecology, Orthopaedics and Trauma. There are Day Surgery lists for Urology & adult and paediatric ENT. Paediatric in patient wards enable a DGH level elective general and emergency general and trauma paediatric surgery service. Anaesthesia services are also provided for ECT. The Adult Critical Care Unit has 12 ICU/HDU beds. The Maternity unit has around 4900 deliveries each year. There is an Acute Pain Service and a contribution to Lanarkshire’s Chronic Pain Service.
Monklands Hospital
Address: Monkscourt Avenue, Airdrie, ML6 0JSWebsite
Tel no: 01236 748 748
Training: General anaesthesia: basic/intermediate/Higher levels ICM: All levels Obstetric anaesthesia: All levels at Wishaw General Hospital
Size: 535 beds
Monklands Hospital is a district general hospital in Airdrie, North Lanarkshire. The anesthetic department provides services to 9 theatres and the Critical Care Unit Surgical specialties include General Surgery, ENT (adult and paeds), Max Fax, Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Trauma, Ophthalmology, Urology and Dental, including some Paediatrics. The Critical Care Unit has 6 ITU and 4 HDU beds.
Hairmyres Hospital

Address: Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, G75 8RG
Tel n: 01355585724
Training: General anaesthetic: basic/intermediate/Higher levels ICM: All levels Obstetric anaesthesia: All levels at Wishaw General Hospital
Size: 492 beds
Hairmyres Hospital is a district general hospital 10 miles south east of Glasgow. The anaesthetic department provides services to 8 theatres and the critical care unit. Surgical specialties include Ortho and Trauma, Gen Surgery including major Upper GI and Colorectal, Vascular, Ophthalamology including Paediatric Ophthalmology, Paediatric Dental, outpatient Gynaecology, outpatient urology and outpatient ENT. The critical care unit has 10 ICU/HDU beds.
Speciality Hospital
Golden Jubilee National Hospital
Address: Agamemnon Street, Clydebank, G81 4DYWebsite
Tel. No: 0141 951 5000
Training: Cardiothoracic anaesthesia: All levels
The Golden Jubilee National Hospital provides the regional and national heart and lung services. The anaesthetic department provides services to 4 cardiac and 2 thoracic theatres and the critical care unit has 20 ITU and 16 HDU beds.