Specialist Interest Areas

Stage 3 Training Planner

Balance of SIAs in Stage 3 Training

12mths of SIA training time needs to be identified within the 2021 curriculum.

  • It can be accommodated flexibly around Stage 3 (S3) training needs e.g. taken as 1 x 12m, 2 x 6m, 6m + 3m + 3m, or 3mthly rotations across ST6 and ST7.
  • While SIA time can be spent solely in general anaesthesia, we would recommend that in practice less than 6mths of time is spent in general SIA, and instead that a combination of 3mth and 6mth specialist SIAs are undertaken to maximise clinical skills and substantive opportunities at CCT.
  • If a 6mth SIA reduces general anaesthetic exposure (e.g. Academic, ICM, EMRS or Paediatrics), the remaining advanced time should aim to consolidate senior adult anaesthetic on-call and junior supervision to successfully CCT in anaesthesia.
    We would therefore advise against combining any 2 of these SIAs for this reason.
  • Stage 3 training plans are coordinated by the College Tutors, in discussion with the Deputy Regional Advisers. Prospective approval is then required from the TPD.
  • It is recommended to give the TPD early notice (before completion of ST5) if you plan to undertake a 6 or 12mth SIA

12 Month SIAs

Open to trainees from other regions.
Paeds, Neuro, Cardiac, Pain.
Either August or February start dates.
Adverts January or August (NES, NHSGGC and SHOW websites) with interviews March or October.

6 Month SIAs

Academic: 12m block: 50% Academic / 50% Clinical, 2 trainees at any one time
August or February starts
Based at allocated ST6/7 hospital (GRI or QEUH) with full on call commitment
Competitive entry by written application

EMRS: OOPT prospective approval required from Deanery & RCoA
August and February starts, open to trainees from other regions.
Appointment by competitive interview
Enquiries to: EM Consultant: Steven Rainey

ICM: Prospective approval required from RCoA to form part of SIA general year.
Enquiries to: ICM RA: Kathy McDowall

AOAT: There will be 4 six month posts available each year with August and February start dates. Two trainees will be in post at any one time. Mixture of General and Obstetric on call
Competitive entry by written application & interview
Enquiries to: Obstetrics CS: Alison White

Paediatrics: Two 6m posts per year: August and February starts. On call at RHC
Competitive entry by written application & interview
Enquiries to: Paeds CT: Lyndsey Forbes

POM: 4 x 6 month blocks per year, one slot at GRI, one at QEUH, with August/February starts, 3mth rotations combined with general time can also be undertaken at Wishaw, Crosshouse and FV DGHs. On call at base, Competitive entry by written application
Enquiries to: POM CS: Caroline Harper

Regional: 4 x 6 month blocks per year, one slot at GRI, one at QEUH, with August/February starts. On call at base, Competitive entry by written application
Enquiries to:

Airway: 4 x 6 month blocks per year, with daytime clinical work between INS and QEUH Adult theatres, with August/February starts. On call at base, Competitive entry by written application
Enquiries to:

3 Month SIAs
These blocks are coordinated by the College Tutors at QEUH and GRI. On call will occur at the trainee's ST6-7 base hospital. All are competitive entry by written application to the relevant Clinical Supervisor.

Vascular at QEUH: Enquiries to: Vascular CS: Indran Raju

Thoracic Anaesthesia at GJNH: Enquiries to: Cardiac CT: Andrew Nath
For further information, Thoracic Anaesthesia SIA

SIA in anaesthesia for plastic surgery and burns management at the National Burns Centre, Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
This 3-month block would include exposure to major plastic surgery procedures such as oncoplastics, free-flap reconstructive surgery, head and neck cases and major burns management. Further components of the block will include critical care burns management experience, involvement in the burns MDT, acute pain rounds and delivery of sedo-analgesia for burns dressing changes.
For further information please contact Burns CS: Marie Davidson

3mth DGH Rotation

With the exception of trainees undertaking 12mths of advanced training or those who are providing specialty on call (6mthly AOAT, Paeds, ICM, EMRS SIAs), quarterly DGH rotations to Lanarkshire, Ayrshire, RAH and Forth Valley hospitals will occur within Stage 3 training for trainees based at the QEUH and GRI sites.
The base CTs will liaise with the TPD to plan these rotations. Wherever possible trainee preference will be accommodated, however the final allocation will be at the discretion of the TPD.
It may be possible to complete an SIA concurrently within the DGH rotation e.g. Airway/MaxFax (MK) or POM (Lanarkshire, Ayrshire, FV), but approval for the SIA must be gained separately from the DGH allocation via the appropriate training contact.

  • For trainees who spent Stage 2 at GRI/QEUH there may be an option for 2nd 3mth block or one 6mth block if this fits in with other training requirements
  • DGH rotations are available at all sites except IRH.
  • Up to six trainees can be on rotation in any one month (3 from QEUH and 3 from GRI)
  • Duty 2/Senior on call can be undertaken, between resident trainee(s) and consultants(s) rota