
Stage 2 Training
The Stage 2 training programme is 2yr based in either a city or DGH location. involves achieving evidence for the 7 GPC Domains and the 7 Clinical Domains of the 2021 Curriculum.
The programme in the West of Scotland will involve a year of general anaesthesia training (ST4), including obstetrics and pain medicine, and a year of subspecialty interest training (ST5) encompassing Intensive Care Medicine, Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia, Neuroanaesthesia and Paediatric Anaesthesia. Occasionally, sub-specialty blocks may occur in ST4 to facilitate LTFT.
To achieve the Stage 2 Certificate, anaesthetists in training will need to complete the HALOs for the 14 Domains and achieve the Final FRCA Examination. They will then progress into Stage 3 and SIA training.
National Recruitment
The Process of National Recruitment to ST4 to confirm specialty training in Anaesthesia is operated by the Anaesthetic National Recruitment Office (ANRO) by the West Midlands Deanery. Below are the links relevant to preparing and applying for posts.
- ANRO ST4 recruitment
- ANRO How to Apply
- RCOA guidance on How to Apply for ST4
- RCOA Interview Preparation Videos