Inter-deanery Transfer (IDT)
Trainees may be helped to move between Deaneries within the UK. IDT arrangements apply to both full-time and less than full time (LTFT) trainees. Movement is at the discretion of the Postgraduate Dean and trainees will be expected to show that they have well-founded reasons for wishing to move from their current Deanery.
Scottish Deanery Transfers pagesInter-Regional Transfer (IRT)
Trainees may be helped to move between different regions within the Scotland Deanery. IRT arrangements apply to both full-time and less than full time (LTFT) trainees. Movement is at the discretion of the Postgraduate Dean and trainees will be expected to show that they have well-founded reasons for wishing to move from their current region. Please read all the guidance carefully in the webpages on the link below.
Scotland Deanery Inter-Regional Transfer pages