
Neuroanaesthesia Training

Trainees in the West of Scotland programme rotate to the Institute of Neurological Sciences to complete a 2-month essential unit during their Intermediate-level and another 2-month essential unit during their Higher-level training.


Trainees in the West of Scotland programme rotate to the Institute of Neurological Sciences to complete a 3-month essential unit during their Stage 2 training.

Institute of Neurological Sciences

The Institute for Neurological Sciences in the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) campus, is a regional neurosciences and maxillofacial tertiary referral centre for the West of Scotland. The department of Neuroanaesthesia consists of 25 consultants and 1 administrator. The department provides anaesthesia & critical care services for adult neurosurgery, neurology services, interventional neuroradiology, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. The department also provides anaesthesia and critical care services to the adjoining Queen Elizabeth National Spinal Injuries Unit for patients with complications of spinal injury. The neuro critical care unit consists of level three beds and high dependency level beds. The unit also facilitates stages 2 and 3 of neuro critical care training as part of the FICM training programme. The department also collaborates with the anaesthesia department at QEUH to facilitate applications to stage 3 Complex Airway Management (advanced) training in either ENT anaesthesia or maxillofacial anaesthesia.

Stage 3 Special Interest Area (SIA)- Neuroanaesthesia (Advanced Training)

The West of Scotland Training Programme offers Stage 3 SIA in Neuroanaesthesia. The post is based at the above department. The post is in-programme and the duration is 12 months. Selection to this post is competitive. Please contact Dr Nithin Roy for further information regarding this post.

Dr Nithin Roy
Consultant Neuroanaesthetist
College Tutor
Department of Neuroanaesthesia, Institute of Neurological Sciences
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
1345 Govan Road
Glasgow G51 4TF
Tel: 0141 201 1989 (via secretary)

Email: [ Nithin Roy ]